
Campus Ministries: Transformed

Pastor Todd MacGregor & Pastor Craig Mooi
Pastor's Todd and Craig share about NCC's campus ministries and what has been happening this year!
The theme for our Chapel program this year is "TRANSFORMED". This is taken from Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." Therefore we have spent our time in Chapel looking at and listening to stories of how faith in Jesus leads to personal transformation. 

This year we have heard from guest speakers who served on the mission field. We have heard from local pastors who shared from the Bible about how Jesus works transformation in our lives.  We have heard personal stories from NCC teachers on how God has done an amazing work in their lives through times of suffering. On one particular occasion, we heard from a past NCC student who served with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) for a year and now leads a young adults group in our community. We have been truly blessed with excellent communicators in our Chapel program.

Also, it has been great to have several students playing on our Chapel worship team this year. We have had enough volunteers to have two teams serving in music in Chapel. We look forward to more of God's blessings on our Chapel program as we seek to know him more through His Word in our Chapel program.

In addition to chapel, there are also discipleship groups offered on Tuesday and Thursdays. A small group of students meet on Tuesdays (girls) and Fridays (guys). Every week, students read the Bible, discuss, and are challenged to live out their faith in practical ways. 

The City is a youth group run by LifeHouse Community Church on Friday nights at NCC. This year has been a growing year of diving more into the Bible through small group discussions. We’re continuing the theme of “Transformation” from chapel times. After some games and songs, students have been challenged to think and share more of their thoughts as they study passages in the Bible. 

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Niagara Christian Collegiate (NCC) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school located on the beautiful Niagara River near Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
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